Thursday, March 18, 2010

The "Bestest" Years of My Life

So, this Saturday is our Anniversary.....39 years of marriage and 40 years of being together! I remember when I was a teenager if someone had said they were married for 39 years I was sure I was talking to a relative of Methusela! It seemed like such a long time to be could they be married that long and still be alive? I look back and think how silly those thoughts were.

I love David for so many reasons. He's gone above and beyond to make sure my life was good. He has kept true to all the promises he made me....every single one! Here is a list of the reasons why I love him and look forward to another 39 least!
He's the hardest working man I have ever exceptions.
  1. He honors his temple covenants.
  2. He loves me and our children more than he loves himself.
    He gives me the best cards with the sweetest sentiments written inside.
  3. He says he'll sleep downstairs if I complain about his snoring....because he wants me to have a good night sleep even if he won't.
  4. He studies and loves the scriptures so he can bless his family with knowledge.
  5. He loves everything that I cook even when it's yucky.
  6. He's creative.
  7. He's humorous.
  8. He's cuddly (yes, Spence, I love a puffy dad).
  9. He's safety from the world.
  10. He's my one else for me....EVER!
  11. He would sacrifice everything for the people he loves.
  12. He's an amazing provider.
  13. He's the wind beneath my wings and is the reason for my success in life.
  14. He's an adorable "Papa".

I could not have asked for a better life partner.

Thank you for the "Bestest" Years of My Life, David!

I Love You!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Daylight Savings!

I love daylight savings! Spring forward.....I don't even mind the lost hour of sleep! I've heard so many people say they don't like it. I can't exactly figure out why. First of all, it means spring is around the corner (1 week away....officially....according to the calender).

I realize mother nature may have other ideas but at least there is hope!). Secondly, and even better yet, it means summer is around the corner beyond spring (can you see me doing backflips?) Gardening, sunshine, warmth, higher seratonin levels, the sound of kids playing outside, BBQ, Brandon and Jacob climbing the apricot tree, long days, laying in the hammock reading a book, hummingbirds hovering around the feeder, swim parties, dance parties. I could go on and on......I really like Spring but I LOVE LOVE LOVE summer!!!! Daylight savings is just the beginning of a new hope for me......WooHoo!
Don't forget to spring forward this Saturday at midnight!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Mustache March?

So, I have this outrageously fun friend Melinda. I follow her blog on a regular basis and am always amazed at her positive outlook on life, events, and people. The great thing about Melinda is that she is the same in real life as she is sitting in her home, on her computer, blogging. She posted something a couple of days ago that I thought was so funny. It's about Mustache March. It could also be spelled moustache. Well, I thought it was something that her family had thought of and was doing just to get a laugh (they don't mind if they are a spectacle or that people laugh at them. In fact, I think they thrive on it). Ha!

Well, today while I was at lunch with Brad, he started to chuckle as he was looking at his iphone. Of course, being the nosey person that I am, I asked what he was laughing at. He said, "What is up with Mustache March?" One of his friends also had posted something about Mustache March! Now I'm curious. I had never heard of it before and here two times in as many days, I was hearing about Mustache March! It was then that I remembered that I had a picture of a couple of adorable little girls taken a few weeks ago by their equally adorable mom.........yep, you guessed it, SPORTING MUSTACHES! Then I found this on the internet.....surprised to see that it's a real celebration! Oh my, what next!

About Moustache March
Moustache March is a month long celebration of the most glorious facial hair known to man. The moustache isn't as commonly accepted as it once was but we feel that at least one month per year should be devoted to it.

Oh, I get it now! It's a celebration of facial hair! Celebrated by thousands and thousands of men (and a few special women) around the world who have a true respect for the most elegant of all facial hair types! An excuse to be macho and unkissable! An excuse to be unkept (unless you're Tom Selleck and then it's hubba hubba). An excuse to have it your way.....just this once!

Okay's your chance to have a legitimate excuse to grow a mustache.....thick, thin, scraggly, handle-barred, over the lip, tickly or ugly. However it comes in, we'll accept it! May the best Mustache win......just remember, on March 31st it's outta here!!!